looking back

I learned more about my parents after they died than I ever did when they were alive.  When going through pictures, albums,  letters, and stuff, there were lots of questions I wanted to ask…but they weren’t around. They were wonderful parents but hard to get to know as friends and there were conversations we never had.  I want to share my life and what it taught me…..before someone is looking through my stuff and asking questions.

Everyone has their own definition…whether they’ve been or not.  This is mine.


Parallels between my life and the life of the Harvard Professor who was the Godfather of Psychedelics



How a girlfriend and an Austrian painter showed a geek how to appreciate art


christmas music, music notes, jingle bells

the early days of computer art & music

The untold history of the Small Computers in the Arts Network (SCAN)

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how i got kicked out of one of the finest medical schools in the U.S.

An essay on medical education and my three years in medical school

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running naked

My unfortunate choice of a partner to run naked with through the city of San Francisco

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ayurvedic medicine

Automating a health clinic in India with the Swami who taught the Beatles yoga

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A brain controlled game that kept our company alive

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Growing old but refusing to grow up

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